I've been thinking a lot lately on Romans 12. It's a great chapter, jam-packed
with great instructions and so much information to meditate on! This week in our "Fix It So You Can Flourish' series, I would like you to consider Romans 12:17-18:
"Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of
all men. If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all
men." (NKJV)
Have you
heard this before: "Don't sink to their level." This phrase (which
I heard often growing up) always brought an image to my mind of people standing
in thick, slimy mud - the more upset they got, the more they struggled, the
further they would sink into the mud.
It's a
simple statement that restates the biblical admonition we find in Romans 12:17
- "repay no one evil for evil." It's an instruction telling us to not
'follow suit.' Do not sling the mud back at the mud-slinger.
requires us to be different (Romans 12:2). He desires for us to choose His way
- a path different from the common heavily traveled one we find in the world.
How do we walk on this good pathway? By having regard for good things in the
sight of all men!
God does
not want us wasting our mental energies on retaliation plans (Micah 2:1) or
thinking up the perfect thing to say that 'would put them in their place.' God
does not want us abusing our verbal skills by uttering hurtful/harmful/hateful
words (Ephesians 4:29-32, Titus 3:2, James 3:9-10). Instead, God wants us to hone our skills
in thinking on and speaking up with suggestions that provide good in all
than adding to the negativity of any situation (our own or that of others), God
wants us to offer a suggestion that will bring resolution and peace. God does
not want us to be part of the problem, He wants us to be part of the solution!
it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men."
Plain and
simple - If it is possible live peaceably with all men. The important bit is
the 'as much as depends on you.' All interaction is akin to a tennis match - a
game of back and forth. When you have a negative, hurtful interaction and the
'ball' is in your court ("as much as depends on you" - your response
is a big factor in how the game will play out!) you have the choice to either
hit back with the same behaviour/words that are hurting you (repay evil for
evil) OR provide good to the situation by responding with grace, mercy, and
kindness -
Romans 12
finishes with a clear instruction in verse 21:
"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."
So from
this day onward, provide good. Build your skills in peacemaking and use your
mental prowess to develop good suggestions that could make for peace. And as
much as it depends on you, step skillfully and carefully out of the mud puddle and help your
companion out of it too!
Leave the
rest up to God. Go to Him in prayer, ask for wisdom (James 1:5). He will help
you if you desire to obey His instructions. God is AWESOME like that!! :)
If you have been in the habit of repaying evil for evil - or simply dwelling on imaginary scenarios that revolve around such - please consider the instructions in Romans 12 and fix it so you can flourish! Read, study, and pray to better appreciate the grace and mercy God continues to extend to you each day, so that you can extend it, yourself, more willingly to others! Grace and mercy enables good solutions to flourish and good solutions bring glory to God (Matthew 5:16, Titus 3:8)! Are you ready to flourish in your regard for good?
You can do it! So can I!!