Monday, May 25, 2020

You Are Not Alone

    Today, let’s draw encouragement from 1 Peter 5:9

 “Resist him, steadfast in the faith,
knowing that the same sufferings are experienced
by your brotherhood in the world.” (NKJV)

    Now, let’s tackle this in reverse order.

    Do you acknowledge the fact that you are not the only one who suffers as you suffer? As a reformed “puddle dweller” I know that I often felt that “woe is me”/“nobody understands the things I suffer”/”nobody knows how difficult this is” feeling when in the midst of hurt and upset.

    But God, through Peter, reminds us that we, in fact, are NOT ALONE, the “same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world”. Other Christians have gone through and are going through what you are going through. They know how you feel, they can and will understand!

    I feel that the New King James version helps us to acknowledge the fact that other Christians experience what we experience, but the King James version uses a different word, a word that may seem slightly odd, but it is a word that should fill you with hope and determination – “accomplished”.

"...knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.” (KJV)

    “Accomplished” comes from the Greek word ‘epiteleo’ (Strong’s #2005) which means to undergo, to fulfill, to execute, to terminate, to finish, to complete.

    Not only do your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ experience the same things you are experiencing, they are also accomplishing them - seeing them through to the end; getting through, and past them!!

    Does that give you hope? Not only can you have comfort in knowing you are not alone, you can see and learn from another Christian's example that YOU CAN GET THROUGH THIS too – you can ACCOMPLISH this problem and put it behind you!

    Now, that is easier said than done, I know. But consider this, when you are driving, what is the #1 rule to avoid hitting an obstacle? Answer: Do not look at the obstacle, instead look where you want to go. Many of us worriers, when we have an “obstacle” in our path, tend to focus completely on the obstacle – which causes us to crash right into and sit there in the wreck for periods of time. If we were to instead look to where we wanted to go – towards God, trusting in His promises and His help (Philippians 4:6-7, Hebrews 11:6, 4:16) – we would very likely avoid the crash altogether!

    The devil puts “obstacles” into our daily paths, but we are instructed to resist him. “Resist” means ‘to stand against, oppose, withstand’. It comes from the Greek word ‘anthistemi’ (Strong’s #436) – which I heard preacher Andy Cantrell say, looks like ‘antihistamine’, the product used to withstand allergens. I think that is a pretty great way for people, especially allergy sufferers, to remember how much they want to oppose the devil, as much as they want to oppose and withstand the allergens that cause them so much trouble!

    So how do we resist the devil? We increase our resistance of the devil when we are “steadfast in the faith”.

    “Steadfast” (Greek: ‘stereos’ Strong’s #4731) means solid, stable, sure, and strong. Now, to keep something solid, stable, sure, and strong over a long period of time (lifetime), diligence and maintenance are necessary.

    We need to dig in to God’s word! When we dig in we will learn what His will is (Ephesians 5:8,10, 15-17), so that we can do it. We will learn of the help He offers us daily, and access it (Psalm 68:19, Hebrews 4:16). We will learn of the promises He will faithfully fulfill if we would but trust Him (Psalm 34:8)! We will learn more than just that God is, we will learn that He is a rewarder of those who DILIGENTLY seek Him (Hebrews 11:6)!

    Others have gone through what you are going through. During this pandemic many are going through exactly what you are going through. Keep your focus on God. Spend time with fellow Christians – both spiritual time (worship service/bible studies) and leisure time (2 Timothy 2:22) - phone and online opportunities abound during quarantine! - look to godly examples amongst your brothers and sisters in Christ so that you too can accomplish/get through/finish the suffering that you are experiencing. Build up your faith and your knowledge of God by digging into His word! By doing these things you too will be able to withstand, oppose, and resist the devil and continue to faithfully flourish!

You can do it! So can I!!


  1. Wonderful thought...excellent scripture references!!!
    Thanks for the encouraging & important reminder.
    Love what you're doing!
    Sharon M.

  2. Very encouraging! Thank you for your hard work. Patsy


Wisdom From Above is… Without Partiality

“But wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality…” ...