Monday, February 1, 2021

Jesus Knew The Scriptures - And We Should Too (Part 2)

     Jesus used His scripture knowledge to disarm the devil and nullify the temptations set before Him (Matthew 4:1-11). He truly exemplified Romans 12:21 in this encounter! In so doing He also teaches us how we too can avoid temptation: by putting our focus on God and keeping in mind our spiritual growth (Psalm 119:59-60, Colossians 3), by trusting God’s love and patience rather than testing them (Romans 6:14, 2 Peter 3:9), and dedicating ourselves wholly to Him, giving Him due honour and respect through proper worship (John 4:24).

    We need to be prepared to do what Jesus did – use Scriptures to counteract the devil’s lures – but also hear what these Scriptures teach – prioritize God and humbly honour and obey Him - so we are wise to temptations! Consider:

  • Man should live by every word that proceeds from God's mouth. Prioritize the spiritual over the physical (Matthew 5:6, John 4:31-34; 51, 57
  • You should not tempt/test God. Use your time in proving God's wisdom through humble obedience, don't waste your time trying to disprove or question God (His existence, nor His commands) through man-made doubts and theories (Deuteronomy 6:16, Exodus 17:2, 7)
  • Worship God and serve only God.  Give your time and devotion to your holy Creator not anything created by men (consider Matthew 6:19-21; 24, 33, 1 Timothy 6:3-10; 17-19)

    Those who work in identifying counterfeit currency do not study every aspect of the counterfeits, they study the authentic! They know the genuine article so well that they can spot deceptions and discrepancies quickly.

    The devil is a master counterfeiter. He tries to pass off his lies as truth so we need to know the genuine article – we need to know the Truth (John 8:31-32), not a man-made version of it (Matthew 15:8-9), not a hearsay version of it (Matthew 7:21-23) – we need to read God’s Word, the Bible (Psalm 119:160, John 17:17); we need to know it so we can understand it, and use the knowledge we have gained from it to be wise to the devil’s lies and resist him (James 4:7, Hebrews 5:14)  

    Jesus knew the authentic – Jesus was the authentic! – but we can be like Him by diligently studying God’s word, to understand Him better, so we can worship and serve Him more accurately and mindfully! So that we can know the Truth and not be lured away by the lie!

    To Be More Like the Son in 2021 let’s do all we can to increase our Bible knowledge!

    From wherever you are right now - BEGIN! 

Helpful Links

Bible Reading Plans:

  • Classic Read-through-the-Bible (365 days, find it here)
  • Read through the New Testament (90 days, find it here)
  • Read Old and New Testament (365 days, find it here)
  • Stay on Track Plan (364 day, weekday only, weekends can be used to catch up, find it here)
  • The Busy Life – 2 year Read-through-the-Bible Plan (find it here)

Note: Six years ago, I followed the classic plan (at top of list), the next year I followed a chronological reading plan (find it here). I felt well-established in my new daily habit by that time so for the past four years I have made up my own daily reading plan  (one chapter from Old Testament and one chapter from New Testament) that allows me to read through sections of the Old Testament and the complete New Testament 3-4 times in a year.

Find one that works for you so you can get into God’s word every day! Do your best to create new reading habits - it is well worth your time and effort!! You can do it! So can I!!


  1. Thank you Cathy!
    This is so encouraging & such a good reminder of how Satan will use our weakness to further his cause.

  2. Thanks for your hard working and dedication to helping others, especially ladies, with their daily reading and studying God's word. Patsy


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“But wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality…” ...