Monday, May 24, 2021

Worshiping God in the Beauty of Holiness

"Give unto the LORD, O you mighty ones, 
give unto the LORD glory and strength. 
Give unto the LORD the glory due His name; 
worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.” 
(Psalm 29:1-2 NKJV)

    God desires us to worship Him in the beauty of holiness. Worship means ‘to bow down oneself, lay down in reverence’ and holiness means ‘to keep sacred and hallowed.’ 

    As women we take on a lot. We have daily household work, some of us have outside-our-home work as well. We are often primary caregivers (and conflict defusers) for our children and/or our aging parents. We can feel pulled in many directions and our minds can overflow with many concerns, but what if we truly laid down our lives for a moment: the chaos, the constant worry, the confusion, and dedicated time to prepare our minds before worship to think on all the ways God has helped us through the past week? What if we filled our minds with all His various blessings, His mercies and grace, His love and peace, His comfort and the ways of escape from temptation that He generously bestowed on us so that we could not only survive but thrive?

    How beautiful would that be?

    To truly come to worship, and worship our Father in spirit and in truth (John 4:24), our Father who has supplied SO much to us. To spend time afterwards not in talking to your sisters in Christ about the latest movie or reality TV show, but in talking of the development of your faith because you, through your week's experiences, have fortified your conviction that God’s promises of help are true and real!

    When we look at our weekly schedule we have a miniscule amount of time dedicated to gathering with the church in complete worship of God, let’s prepare ourselves for it!

    O mighty woman who takes on so much, give to the LORD glory and praise, give Him the best of yourself (your strength): your best words, your best efforts, your best attention so that you can give Him the glory due His name and truly worship God in the beauty of holiness!

From wherever you are right now - BEGIN!

You can do it! So can I!!

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