Monday, June 7, 2021

Be Holy in All Your Conduct - Part One

 “…as obedient children, not conforming yourselves 
to the former lusts, as in your ignorance; 
but as He who called you is holy, 
you also be holy in all your conduct.” 
(1 Peter 1:14-15 NKJV)

Dating & Marriage

    Holiness is an absolutely vital component of our walk as a Christian (please read Hebrews 12:14). We have learned what it means to be “physically pure and morally blameless” as well as “set apart” and “sacred” – wonderful words that should also describe a marriage!

    Please grab a bible and turn to Ephesians 5:1-7. This passage speaks very clearly about holiness in marriage and we can draw from it instruction for holiness in dating also.

  • Verse 1: Be imitators of God. Sounds like the command “Be holy for I am holy” doesn’t it?

  • Verse 2: We are to walk in love (selflessness) and give our all to God (a living sacrifice, Romans 12:1), just as Christ did, and it will be a sweet aroma to God (2 Corinthians 2:15).

  • Verse 3: Now, here’s the particular instruction: “But fornication [sex outside of marriage] and all uncleanness [physical or moral impurity], and covetousness [fraudulence, extortion, practicing greediness], let it not even be named among you, as is fitting for saints [holy people of God, set apart ones]” 
Note: The NIV makes the command abundantly clear: “But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people.”  - NOT EVEN A HINT!
  • Verse 4: These also are things that are improper for God’s holy people: filthiness [shamefulness, obscenity], foolish talking [silly talk, buffoonery], coarse jesting [witticism in a vulgar sense, referring to sexual matters in an amusingly rude or irreverent way, ribaldry], none of which are fitting or befitting a Christian. God, through Paul gives instruction for how to avoid these things: change your focus! Look up! Give thanks to God! Focus on Him!
  • Verse 5: If you practice or participate in any of the above mentioned things, you have no inheritance in the kingdom of God! See also Hebrews 12:14.
  • Verse 6-7: Let no one deceive you with empty words. Don’t let anyone tempt you from God’s path, from His way; there is NOTHING they can possibly offer you that is worth losing your good example/name and eternal inheritance over! It is exactly those empty, useless words that causes God’s wrath to come on the sons of disobedience, so don’t be counted among their number!

    Think about yourself, your actions, your thoughts, and your words for a moment…

    Borrowing a list, with permission, from Ken Weliever (writer of The Preachers Word blog/website), could any of these have any hint of impurity:

A quick glance? A curious peek? An indecent thought? A flirtatious gesture? A secret internet site? A hidden magazine? An amorous email? A titillating text message? A teasing wink? A coy smile? An unholy hug? An erotic novel? An obscene joke? A bawdy movie? An off-colour remark? A racy TV show?   

Are any of these acceptable when you have been commanded to be holy in all your conduct?

    If you are married: Honour God. Revere His holiness. Honour your marriage. Uphold the holy union. Respect your husband and submit to his leadership (1 Peter 3:1-6, Ephesians 5:22-33), have eyes only for him (Proverbs 31:11). Let there not be even a hint of immorality in your behaviour or your interactions with others.

If you are dating: Honour God. Revere His holiness. Respect God’s commands and yourself enough to keep yourself physically pure and morally blameless (“holy”) and please don’t let empty words tempt you from your desire to be holy. Let there not be even a hint of immorality in your conversation or behaviour.

    Desire to be holy in ALL your conduct and be determined to “be imitators of God as dear children.” (Ephesians 5:1)

You can do it! So can I!!

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