Monday, December 12, 2022

Learning Gratitude: Words That Describe God

    Have you ever been at a loss for words? Desperately willing your mind to access the file that contains all the best descriptive words in your vocabulary?

    Being left speechless can happen when we are overwhelmed with what we are seeing and/or feeling and I think it goes without saying that the world will be at a complete loss for words when Jesus comes again and we come into God's presence - that will be overwhelmingly overwhelming - but until then we should teach ourselves how to speak to Him, to thank Him, and praise Him.


Think on this list of words that describe God:

Alive, Active, Amazing, Almighty, Abundant, Astounding, Absolute, Attentive, Authentic, Awesome, Astonishing, All-Powerful, Able, Alert, Beautiful, Best, Beneficial, Benevolent, Brilliant, Creator, Caring, Compassionate, Comforting, Considerate, Divine, Dignified, Distinguished, Excellent, Everlasting, Extraordinary, Excelling, Essential, Father, Forgiving, Fulfilling, Faultless, Faithful, Forbearing, Flawless, Good, Glorified, Glorious, Generous, Gracious, Genuine, God Most High, God of all comfort, God of peace, Holy, Helpful, Honourable, Incorruptible, Infallible, Important, Impressive, Just, Kind, King, Knowing, Love, Loving, Living, Loyal, Light, Mighty, Master, Mender, Matchless, Merciful, Needed, Noble, Omniscient, Omnipotent, Perfect, Protector, Powerful, Provider, Pure, Proven, Praiseworthy, Righteous, Restorer, Reliable, Real, Remarkable, Revered, Ruling, Ruler, Splendid, Superb, Sacred, Sincere, Shelter, Sheltering, Strong, Superior, Supreme, Sympathetic, Shield, Teacher, Trustworthy, Truthful, True, Upright, Unfailing, Understanding, Unequaled, Victorious, Vigilant, Vindicator, Wholesome, Watchful, Wise, Wonderful, Zealous   


"Oh Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will declare Your praise." (Psalm 51:15, ESV)


    Go over the list one more time, slowly. Can you use some of these words to express your gratitude to God for what He has done and continues to do in your life?


    While these words can help us to declare God's greatness, the most important thing in what you say to God in praise and thanksgiving is that it is sincere and heartfelt. Use words that you understand and simply allow your heart to speak its fullness to our Almighty God!


    Magnify God in your heart and mind as you say thank you to Him!


You can do it! So can I!!

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