Monday, July 29, 2024

To Flourish in Peace We Need to Understand Peace

    I would like to share with you something that I read while studying and researching the word ‘peace,’ which in Hebrew is ‘shalom’ and in Greek, ‘eirene.’ 

“Shalom really means everything that makes for a man’s highest good, all that makes life life indeed. In English peace has come to have something of a negative meaning. It is apt to mean the absence of war and the absence of trouble. For instance, if in a campaign hostilities actually came to an end and there was no more fighting we would be likely to say that there was peace; but quite certainly the Hebrew would not call a situation where there was a blasted earth, and where people still regarded each other with a kind of terrified suspicion, peace. …The greeting salaam does not simply express the negative wish that a man’s life may be free from trouble; it expresses the positive hope and prayer that he may enjoy all good gifts and blessings from the hand of God. In thinking of the meaning of peace, both in the Old and New Testament, it is essential to bear in mind the positive meaning of the word.” (William Barclay, Flesh and Spirit, 1962)

    Can you understand why love comes before peace in most every list of qualities a Christian is to have?

    We need to have a heart that learns to truly love – undefeatable goodwill and benevolence that seeks only good for the other – in order to pursue peace which is a sincere wish that the other will be blessed with ‘everything that makes for man’s highest good.’

    All too often we are content with a peace that is only visible on the surface. We think, ‘there are no negative interactions, no outward upset, so we’re at peace right?’ Yet our hearts are disappointed, discouraged, angry, frustrated, irritated, or fuming. Our hearts are so darkened that the very idea of hoping that our fellow man has everything that makes for their highest good is something we sneer and scoff at. God wants us to pursue true peace, and it begins in the heart.

 “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which you were called in one body; and be thankful.” (Colossians 3:15 NKJV)

    We are to let the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7), rule in our hearts. “Rule” comes from the Greek word ‘brabeuo’ (G1018) which means to govern, prevail. So we are to let the peace of God govern our hearts, to let it prevail in our hearts.

    Prevail means to prove more powerful than opposing forces. It wins. It should always win. Paul tells us that the peace of God will guard your hearts and minds (Philippians 4:7), it will prove itself more powerful than any opposing forces, when we let it rule in our hearts.

    So, how do we flourish in peace and let it rule in our hearts, and conquer our negative thinking?

Give your concerns to God and be thankful (Philippians 4:6-9, Colossians 3:15-17) Burdened with ‘what-if’ thinking and imagining worst-case scenarios? Give every one of your worries to God and then use your thinking for good by taking inventory of all that you have in your life (Psalm 68:19) and all that you have been blessed with through Jesus (Romans 8:31-39, Ephesians 1:3-14, 1 John 3:1-3) and thank God for them all! Then busy yourself with doing good for your household, your brethren, and your neighbours while remembering how abundantly He has blessed you (2 Corinthians 9:7-8, Ephesians 2:10, Galatians 6:9-10, Titus 3:8, 14)!

Follow Jesus’ instruction (Matthew 5:44) Are you finding yourself having imaginary conversations, arguments, or confrontations with someone, in your mind? This type of thinking prevents peace from ruling in our hearts – Jesus gives us a better way:

  • Do you have an enemy? Don’t be an enemy to them, instead be kind toward them, love them.
  • Has someone cursed you or spoken evil against you? Don’t retaliate with the same, instead speak only good about them, bless them.
  • Does someone hate you? Don’t let your heart build up hate toward them, instead search for ways to do good to them.
  • Does someone purposefully try to hurt you, belittle you, or infuriate you? Don’t seek revenge, instead overcome the evil with good by purposefully praying for them.

    Doing it God’s way will allow peace to rule in your heart, it will allow you to truly hope that God’s blessings will be upon them. And although these trials may continue for some time, going through them with God and His instruction will allow you to flourish in strength, resilience, wisdom, faith, and peace.

    God’s way IS the best way! How wonderful that He provides SO much help to us so that we can serve Him properly and thrive in this life!! To God be the glory, great things He has done!!

    Consider your heart this week and consider what peace truly means. Are you allowing God’s peace to rule in your heart? Is your heart truly at peace with your family, friends, brethren, and neighbours? Can you sincerely hope for them everything that makes for their highest good?

    Take time to read 1 Peter 3:8-12 each day this week. Be mindful of your many thoughts and determine to let God’s peace rule in your heart! Always seek for His peace so you can truly flourish in it and share it with others!

You can do it! So can I!!   

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