Hypocrisy is acting under a feigned part; it is deceit, being fake, and pretending. We can find further details when we look to the Bible:
A hypocrite…
…is a vile person and is no benefit to others (Isaiah 32:6)
…could not come before God (Job 13:16)
…will be joyful but for a moment; he will perish forever
like his refuse (Job 20:4-7)
…is without hope if God takes away his life (Job 27:8)
…in their heart will store up wrath, and their life ends
among the perverted persons (Job 36:13-14)
…will destroy their neighbour with their mouth (Proverbs 11:9)
…will condemn others for their sins, but refuse to see their
own (Matthew 7:3-5)
…will sound a trumpet, stand in the streets, and they disfigure
their faces so they can be seen by men to be “righteous” (Matthew 6:2, 5, 16). Their hearts seek after the temporary glory that
comes from men.
…say but do not do (Matthew
…appear to honour God, but their minds are focused on
earthly (carnal, selfish) things (Matthew
15:7-8, Mark 7:6)
…will not/cannot discern spiritual things; they are too
focused on self and worldly wisdom (Matthew
16:3, Luke 12:56)
…appear righteous to draw men to them – even seeking men to “convert”
them, but corrupt those who are taught by them (Matthew 23:13-14)
…will be delivered to the place of weeping and gnashing of
teeth (Matthew 24:51)
…is in league with those who practice malice, deceit, envy, and
evil speaking, all of which keep you from desiring the pure milk of the word (1 Peter 2:1-3)
We are to be without
The term “without hypocrisy” comes from a
single Greek word: anupokritos (Strong’s
G#505) it is the quality of being
genuine, sincere, and without pretense.
Our love is to be
without hypocrisy (Romans 12:9, 2
Corinthians 6:6, 1 Peter 1:22)
Our faith is to be
without hypocrisy (1 Timothy 1:5, 2
Timothy 1:5)
Consider the church in Laodicea that Jesus described in
Revelation 3:15-16. He said that they were “lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot” (v16)
– if they had been hot, they would have been zealous for God and His way, if
they were cold they would have walked away completely, but, instead, they were proclaiming
to be followers of Christ and not living as followers of Christ. We cannot be
one way in the church building and another in our homes/communities/work. In behaving
this way we not only bar ourselves from God and His blessings/promises, but we
also keep others from finding and following Him. A hypocritical example
belittles God, His word, and the church; it will further weaken weak brethren
and leave the lost to their hopeless groping.
When we seek wisdom that is from above, we will learn to
remove any masks we have put on. We will do our best to be sincere and
genuine to all as we humbly serve God and help others. We will be consistent in
our conduct, not behaving one way with some people and another way with others.
If your family, friends, co-workers, companions
in your hobbies/leagues, and your brethren were all asked to describe you would
they all be in complete agreement or would they each begin describing contradictory
versions of you that the others were not aware of?
Wisdom from above is without hypocrisy. It is exhibited by
genuine people who honour God with their lives. People who are not ashamed of
the gospel of Christ (Romans 1:16-17)
who carefully walk as Jesus walked (1
John 2:3-6), proving themselves to be His disciples in every aspect of their lives. They do not carry a basket to cover up
their light when they are around certain people (Matthew 5:14-16), but will remain true to God and His way; they
will humbly help their neighbour, and happily work as though they are doing it
for God (Colossians 3:23).
A life flourishing in wisdom that is from above – a life without
hypocrisy – is what we all need to be striving for – are you ready to begin?
You can do it! So can
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